Friday, August 22, 2008

Shoppe News: Seasonal Teas, wherefore art thou?

Someone out there, we are sure, is wondering what happened to the Seasonal tea line. We hope in the coming year to pick this up again, but for now that line of teas will be put on hold.

With rising gas prices quickly causing a rise in cost to produce, as well as a lag in sales everywhere, we found that it was difficult to be introducing limited run tea blends. We are a small, 'mom and pop' type business, which basically means we are not able to absorb costs for such a crazy market right now.

The upside of this is that Lilith's Spring Equinox Passion Tea was a huge hit! We've decided that Passion needs to stick around for awhile, so this tea has been moved into a regular blend. That means you can get your delicious Passion Tea even now, as we watch the summertime wane into Autumn. Drink deep and enjoy!


Ananda said...

Dear Blessed Thistle, I've nominated you for a blog award,
thanks for your great writing!

Kimberely Arana, chp, proprietress /// said...

Greetings Ananda,

Thank you! Well, if that isn't motivation to keep writing, I don't know what is!

All Green Blessings, be well,
Ms Thistle