Friday, November 2, 2007

Maiden voyage...

Welcome to the Thistle's blog ~ I've been hoping to get this up and running for many months now. Why so long, you ask? I'm a SAHM with two wee ones running around, and that math equals crazy days and sleepless nights! I am going to commit to posting here two times a week, and am crossing my fingers I'll be able to do that. I'm planning (ohhhh, I use that word with great caution!) on Tuesday and Thursdays as my update days...we'll see.

But let's get to the point and why you are probably here: I've wanted a place for a long time where I could share wellness and healing information, how-to's on herb use, spiritual paths, ritual and it's importance in healing --as well as chronicle the journey of running a small, woman-run business, to name only a few of topics you may find here.

Right now, I am in the throes of prepping for the holiday season. I'm trying to be more organized about it this year for once (although, in my defense I was known for being the Queen of Organization in various jobs many years back now, refer back to the two wee ones aforementioned, lol!), which means that I am bagging hundreds of samples of the tea blends to put into many, many boxes of the Sampler's Special (hope these links work, scroll up from Brigid's Flame to see the Sampler's Box... I'm new at blogging!). I love this box, and it is our best seller. But when I had my brilliant idea to create a sample box it didn't occur to me at the time all the labor that would go into it! We bag and label everything by hand, being a small business ~ which means when you pick up a bag of tea from one of our boxes, when you pull that mantra out and are (hopefully) inspired by it, when you drink deep of our delicious tea ~ myself or my volunteer created that entire package, from cutting the mantras out and folding them, to placing the label on each and every bag. I even run a burnisher over each and every label on the boxes to ensure they are on good! I want each and every box to be created, not merely made. And yes, I put just as much mindfulness into each and every single-dingle batch of tea that I make.

So I'm rambling a bit here, but the point is that I care very much about what we do, and have a great passion to try and create something for our customers - you!- that not only tastes good, and serves a health full purpose, but that hopefully evokes passion and joy for you when you partake of it. It is my attempt to 'pay forward' some passion for life and living. Why else are we here?

I've got to get back to it, but I wanted to mention that we have three new blends right now - Maeve' Favor, a delicious mint tea; Dark Mother's Winter Solstice Blessing Tea, which is rich and spicy and only available until Imbolc (Feb2 2008); and finally a pregnancy tonic, after much request: Mari's Mama Tonic. We are really excited about these new blends, and think you will be too. To make room for these, we are sad to say that it was time to discontinue some other blends. Etains' Aide, Grainne's Prize, and Mari's Cup will no longer be available, however I do have a bit of each left, so if you are dismayed then contact us and I can get some to you.

Next post, I'm going to talk about herbal treatments for mastitis, for all you mama's out there.
Green Blessings,

1 comment:

Lauren said...

YAY! Nice to see you blogging now. I'm def adding you to my blogroll!